Professional Grooming Staff
Professional Grooming Staff
Hand Stripping Treatment
What is hand stripping?
Hand stripping is a grooming technique used on dogs, to remove dead hairs. Unlike other treatments, that use clippers on the coat, the hairs are removed by hand. With this method, the hairs are plucked out in the direction of growth, leaving your dog’s coat healthy and in pristine condition. If dogs with wiry hair, do not have their hairs removed by hand, the hair follicle can become matted, resulting in feelings of irritation for the dog.
What dog breeds can be hand stripped?
Whether your dog needs hand stripping depends more on the type of coat, than the breed. Of course, some dog breeds are more likely to have wiry coats than others, making them suitable for this treatment. This includes most of the Terrier group, as well as Irish Wolfhounds and Wirehaired Pointers.
Why is hand stripping the best method for wiry haired dogs?
Dogs that require hand stripping, generally have two types of hair. One of these is an undercoat, which is made up of soft, thin hair fibres, that are dense in volume. The other, is the top coat, which consists of thick, wiry hair fibres. Considering, hand stripping targets the older hairs, which are easier to pull out, new, stronger hairs have space to grow in to. This leaves the coat with a fuller, shinier texture and a more vibrant colour.
Instead of just trimming the hairs, it is important that they are removed entirely, because otherwise, the new hairs will not have the required room to grow. This can ruin the appearance of the coat and make hand stripping difficult in the future.
Is hand stripping dogs painful?
If hand stripping is done properly, then the dog will not feel any pain. This is because the soft, old hairs come out easily, resulting in a pain-free procedure for most dogs. There are some instances where the treatment might make a dog feel uncomfortable. For example, if they have not experienced hand stripping before, then the dog will not be used to the sensation. If this is the case, then the groomer should start with small sections, before increasing the load when the dog becomes more comfortable.
Is hand stripping expensive?
Hand stripping tends to cost more than other dog grooming techniques. This is down to the fact that, this is a highly skilled procedure, which requires the attention of a hand stripping specialist. It is a delicate process, whereby the groomer needs to work carefully to avoid irritating your dog. The groomer may also need to give your dog several breaks, meaning it could take a considerable amount of time.
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